O. ARSLAN And A. B. GÜNDÜZ ALTIOKKA, "Energy Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump For Heating in Bilecik," 2nd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials , 2019
ARSLAN, O. And GÜNDÜZ ALTIOKKA, A. B. 2019. Energy Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump For Heating in Bilecik. 2nd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials .
ARSLAN, O., & GÜNDÜZ ALTIOKKA, A. B., (2019). Energy Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump For Heating in Bilecik . 2nd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials
ARSLAN, OĞUZ, And ABİDE BANU GÜNDÜZ ALTIOKKA. "Energy Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump For Heating in Bilecik," 2nd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials, 2019
ARSLAN, OĞUZ And GÜNDÜZ ALTIOKKA, ABİDE B. . "Energy Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump For Heating in Bilecik." 2nd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials , 2019
ARSLAN, O. And GÜNDÜZ ALTIOKKA, A. B. (2019) . "Energy Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump For Heating in Bilecik." 2nd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials .
@conferencepaper{conferencepaper, author={OĞUZ ARSLAN And author={ABİDE BANU GÜNDÜZ ALTIOKKA}, title={Energy Exergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump For Heating in Bilecik}, congress name={2nd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials}, city={}, country={}, year={2019}}