El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol.8, no.3, pp.1385-1394, 2021 (Scopus)
© 2021, TUBITAK. All rights reserved.In order to understand the interaction mechanism between pozzolanic materials and cement, it is very important to determine the surface properties with the zeta potential of the materials. In this study, physical, chemical properties and zeta potentials of Portland cement, pumice and diatomite were determined. Then, the water requirement, setting time, volume expansion and compressive strength values of the reference, 5+5% and 10+10% pumice and diatomite substituted cements were determined. The data obtained showed that there were differences in the surface properties of the raw materials used, water demand, volume expansion values, setting times and compressive strengths according to their chemical and physical structure. In addition, it was determined that Portland cement, pumice and diatomite have negative zeta potential values.