Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi, cilt.47, sa.1, 2022 (Scopus)
Objective: Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic used in the fight against many bacterial infections. The aim of this study is to develop a rapid and sensitive method for the spectrophotometric determination of metal nanoparticle-based ciprofloxacin. Material and Method: AgNP was used as metal nanoparticle to develop the method. The localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) absorption band of AgNP at 395.5 nm was used for the spectrophotometric determination of ciprofloxacin. In order to determine the optimum pH value of the phosphate buffer solution used in the experimental studies, the changes in the absorbance value of ciprofloxacin-AgNP at different pH values were examined. Changes in AgNP size were detected by DLS measurements. Result and Discussion: In our study, a new spectrophotometric method based on AgNP was developed for the determination of ciprofloxacin in pharmaceutical preparations. The linear working range for the developed method was determined as 0.003-3.313 mg/L in pH 6.0 phosphate buffer and 0.025-2.50 mg/L in pH 8.0 phosphate buffer. In the recovery study performed to determine the amount of ciprofloxacin in the ophthalmic solution, the recovery value was found to be 87±3.3%. In the light of these data, it is thought that the AgNP-based method developed for the determination of ciprofloxacin can be used as an effective analysis method in clinical analysis.