The Variation for Dry Weight and Hay Quality in Turkish Origin Wild Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) Genotypes

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Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, vol.29, no.2, pp.187-194, 2019 (Scopus) identifier identifier


This study was conducted to determine dry plant weight and quality traits of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) genotypes collected from eight provinces and 29 locations in Turkey. Field experiment was conducted in Yozgat conditions for two years (2015-2016 and 2016-2017) and the observations were performed in the second year. Dry plant weight, crude protein ratio and protein yield (g plant-1), ADF, NDF, K, P, Ca, Mg contents and K/(Ca+Mg) and Ca/P ratio were determined in chicory genotypes as yearly total or average. Total dry plant weight and average crude protein content ranged between 167.80-564.60 g plant-1 and 11.85-16.60%, respectively. The highest potassium content was determined as 2.442%, while it was lowest as 2.022%. The phosphorus, calcium and magnesium content ranged between 0.367-0.413%, 0.963-1.232% and 0.250-0.407%, respectively. As a result, significant differences were observed among the chicory genotypes for all the traits. Such a variation even in the restricted area is point out the high variation in Turkey. These differences encouraged to new studies on chicory in Turkey and were also promising for improving new varieties.