International Congress on Women in A Global World IV, İstanbul, Türkiye, 23 - 25 Mayıs 2024, cilt.1, ss.94
Nowadays, not a day goes by without breaking news about a crime against women. While the news in
question is seen in the country, such news is also seen abroad. In order to prevent these crimes before
they happen, important practices are being carried out both in Turkey and around the world. Attempts
are made to take precautions, sometimes by ensuring the deterrent effectiveness of punishments and
sometimes by providing training. For this purpose, KADES was established within the Ministry of
Internal Affairs in Türkiye. Purpose of this is to enable women to notify the state's law enforcement
agencies when they detect any crime against them. In this way, it is aimed to prevent crimes against
women before they are committed. Of course, such a practice was not possible in Turkey 94 years ago.
When the Decision Cards of the Uşak High Criminal Court of 1930 were examined, it was seen that
45 separate crimes against women were tried. It was understood that 42 of them involved sexual crimes.
It was determined that 29 are for unmarried people and 13 are for married people. It was observed that
3 of the crimes committed against women in Uşak in 1930 were physical crimes. In this study, only
physical crimes against women will be examined. It was understood that out of 3 separate physical
crimes against women in Uşak in 1930, 2 were the crime of forcibly abducting a woman without her
consent, and 1 was the crime of strangulation of a married woman by her husband. Nowadays, it is
seen that the crime of murder of a woman by her husband, among the crimes committed against women,
is more common than in the past. In this study, the contents of the physical crimes committed against
women in Uşak in 1930 and the penalties given as a result of the trial will be conveyed, taking into
account the principle of protection of personal data.
Keywords: Crimes against women, Uşak, 1930, history of the republic of Türkiye.