Uv degradation of naproxen adsorbed on graphite oxide

Sarıhan A., Balbay Ş.

Desalination and Water Treatment, cilt.230, ss.419-429, 2021 (SCI-Expanded) identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Makale / Tam Makale
  • Cilt numarası: 230
  • Basım Tarihi: 2021
  • Doi Numarası: 10.5004/dwt.2021.27437
  • Dergi Adı: Desalination and Water Treatment
  • Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus, Aqualine, Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Biotechnology Research Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, Environment Index, Geobase, Pollution Abstracts, Veterinary Science Database, Civil Engineering Abstracts
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.419-429
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: Commercial graphite, Graphite oxide, Naproxen, UV degradation
  • Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


© 2021 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.In the study, it was aimed to remove naproxen sodium (NPX) adsorbed on graphite oxide produced from commercial graphite by degrading it under UV effect. Temperature (25°C–50°C), adsorbent amount (1–3 g/50 mL), pH (3–9), contact time (15–1440 min) and initial concentration (20–150 ppm) were selected as parameters. The scanning electron microscopy morphological images, X-ray diffraction mineralogical content, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy functional group analysis, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface areas of adsorbents were determined. It was observed that the NPX removal efficiency of graphite (11.56%) was much lower (73.29%) than graphite oxide (GRO). Determination of the desorption% of UV degradation studies of adsorbed GRO’s at the end of 1, 2 and 3 h as 47.5%, 34.06% and 31.59% respectively, proved that the UV degradation is effective in the removal of NPX attached to the GRO surface. As a result, it was observed that UV degradation was effective in removing NPX from the GRO surface.