2014 4th International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, ICHVE 2014, Poznan, Polonya, 8 - 11 Eylül 2014
© 2014 IEEE.High voltage laboratories are equipped with impulse generators to perform some performance tests. They require high-accuracy data acquisition systems to ensure the safety, accuracy and the reliability of the measurement, Digital recording systems and interrelated software contribute to the analysis of the wave shape during the tests. On the other hand, the noise superimposed on the signal may sometimes create some measurement problems. Therefore, understanding the origin of the noise and application of proper filtering methods is an important task of the recording and analyzing systems. This study presents Matlab Gui based data acquisition and analyzing system for lightning impulse voltages. The software is capable of representing the impulse voltages both in the time domain and in the frequency domain. Moreover it has Savitzky-Golay Method based noise filtering option which enables to differentiate the disturbance types as well as to purify the signal from the noise. The software is tested with several impulse voltages generated by a 1 MV lightning impulse generator at Fuat Kulunk High Voltage Laboratory of Istanbul Technical University. The results representing the performance of the software are illustrated.