BELLETEN Yearbook of Turkic Studies, cilt.2020, sa.70, ss.7-27, 2020 (Scopus)
© 2020, Turk Dil Kurumu. All rights reserved.Sanskrit Buddhñvatamsaka-sütra "flower ornament scripture", which forms the subject of the paper, is a Buddhist scripture translated into Chinese with the name of Huayan jing. On the basis of this scripture, the Huayan school of Buddhism emerged in China. This school is one of the thirteen Buddhist schools that emerged in China and is known as "Hwaom" in Korean and "Kegon" in Japanese. These fragments are today preserved at the Turfan Collection in Berlin Brandenburg Sciences and Humanities, registered under the archive numbers U 1323 (T I D), U 1326 (T I 2) and U 1329 (T I L 4) respectively. These fragments comprise the 13th, 14th, and 19th leaves of an Old Uyghur manuscript, consisting of at least thirty chapters of the text of the Faxiang school, which developed from the Yogâcâra school of Buddhism, also known as East Asian Buddhism. This paper contains the transcription and transliteration of aforementioned Old Uyghur fragment, translations into Turkish, notes and glossary with an analytical index.