Power Control of Single Phase Active Rectifier

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Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.7, no.3, pp.332-336, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


The most important feature of active rectifier circuits is the ability to adjust the power factor and DC bus voltage, when compared to diode rectifiers. However, odd current harmonics occur in the grid since hard switching state occurs in the active rectifier circuit. A filter should be used on the grid side to reduce the current harmonics. Although there are many types of filters, one of the most suitable filter types is LCL filter when considering the factors such as cost and size. In this study, LCL filter design calculation is performed and PSIM simulation results of active-reactive power controlled LCL filter proportional resonant (PR) current controlled single phase active rectifier circuit is given. The system is designed according to the active power of 600 W. Then, by adding reactive power to the system, it is proved that the power control is carried out successfully.